Issues of Propel Journal of Applied Management
Propel Journal of Applied Management
Dr. S Khurram Khan
Propel Management Advisory Services
Article Processing Charges
Submission Charges
Journal Start Date
Review Process
Peer Review
Management Science; Social Sciences
Editorial Board URL
Author Instructions URL
Author Licence URL
Open Access
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Propel Journal of Applied Management (PJAM) is a peer-reviewed journal of management research with a key objective to provide the academic and industrial community a medium for presenting original high-quality research or extended version of previously published research related to (but not strictly limited to) the examination of existing business management practices and the implementation of strategies to alter, improve or streamline them. PJAM publishes innovative. Applied, empirical and conceptual articles which advance knowledge of innovative and applied management in every field of business and commerce.
Aims and Scope
PJAM is a peer-reviewed journal of Management Sciences with a key objective to provide the academic and industrial community a medium for presenting original high-quality research or extended version of previously published research related to (but are not strictly limited to) its scope which covers the widespread aspects of high-quality management. PJAM publishes innovative empirical and conceptual articles which advance knowledge of applied management in every field of business and commerce. Strategic Management Engineering Management Sales Management Program Management Marketing Management Project Management Operations Management Risk Management Logistics Management Change Management Organizational Management Quality Management Supply Chain Management Innovation Management Procurement Management Design Management Financial Management Accounting Management Facility Management Human Resources Management Knowledge Management IT Management Conflict Management Sales Management Strategic Management Engineering Management Every article is first read by one of the editorial team members. If the article meets the general expectations of a scholarly article, it is usually sent out to two blind reviewers. It can then be accepted, resubmitted with attention to the reviewer(s)’ comments, or rejected. If two reviewers have widely different conclusions on the acceptability of the article, it is sent to an additional reviewer, or a decision is taken by Editorial Team.
Contact Information
Propel Management Advisory Services Office # 427, 4th Floor, Industrial Town Plaza Shara-e-Liaquat, Karachi, Pakistan. Principal Contact: Dr. S. Khurram K. Alwi editor. Pjam@propelmas. Com drkhurramkhan@outlook. Com
Id | Volume & Issue | Year | No of Articles |
Id | Volume & Issue | Year | No of Articles |