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Issues of Medical Journal of South Punjab

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Medical Journal of South Punjab


Medical Journal of South Punjab; MJSP


Dr. Farman Ali


Medteach Private Limited.







Article Processing Charges


Submission Charges


Journal Start Date


Review Process

Double Blind Peer Review


Physiology; Biochemistry; Immunology; Pathology; Pharmacology; Microbiology; Parasitology; Psychiatry; Biostatistics; Epidemiology



Open Access




This page has been accessed 23 times.


Medical Journal of South Punjab (MJSP) is biannually published, Pakistan since 2020. It is a multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal. MJSP has a team of highly qualified editorial board members who are dedicated to meet and improve the standards of the Journal as per the laid International guidelines. In addition, we are maintaining a multidisciplinary reviewers bank, which comprises of dedicated national and international researchers and subject specialists, who strive their best to evaluate the manuscript in the shortest possible time. Other than the OJS (online submission and journal managing system), the journal has its own dedicated website, where all previous, and current issues and ahead of printing manuscripts are available with an open access permitted to everyone. The journal is devoted to providing updates and advancements to healthcare providers in the field of basic as well as applied medical sciences. It is committed to rapidly publishing high-quality research work in the form of original research articles, review articles, meta-analysis reviews, letters to the editor, case reports, case series reports, and short communication. We are striving to promote quality research papers along with their free online availability to readers all over the world for reference and awareness purposes. It is a forum for communicating health-related issues around the World. Moreover, the ethical considerations and conflicts of interest amongst the co-authors are observed strictly to maintain the research protocols. Regardless of the employment status, the journal accepts quality research and updated authentic/ evidence-based information from any source. From patients’ perspectives, this evidence-based research will ultimately be a step forward to improve the healthcare facilities at the National and International levels.

Aims and Scope

The journal is devoted to providing updates and advancements to healthcare providers in the field of basic as well as applied medical sciences. It is committed to rapidly publishing high-quality research work in the form of original research articles, review articles, meta-analysis reviews, letters to the editor, case reports, case series reports, and short communication. Basic subject areas include Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Parasitology, Psychiatry, Biostatistics and Epidemiology

Contact Information

Office Address House # 27, Shakir Colony Chah Borh, Multan, Pakistan Contact No: +92 324 6122253 Emil: farman@mjsp. Com. Pk

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Volume & IssueYearNo of Articles
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Volume & IssueYearNo of Articles
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Journal Statistics Overview

This table offers an insightful overview of the journal's statistics. It provides key information about the journal's age, the number of volumes and issues it has published, and the total count of publications. The table further distinguishes between publications that are included in our statistics and those that are yet to be incorporated. Moreover, it categorizes the types of publications, such as articles, book reviews, editorials, and other publications, offering a comprehensive summary of the journal's content. This table serves as a valuable reference to gain insights into the journal's publication history and the status of its publications in our statistical analysis.

Title Information
Journal Age 4 years (approximately 59 months, 1799 days)
Volumes 0
Issues 0
Total Publications 0
Publications included in Statistics
Publications not yet included in Statistics
Articles Published
Book Reviews Published
Editorials Published
Other Publications
Title Information


This table offers numerous benefits to various stakeholders within the academic community:

For Readers

Readers can use this table to assess the journal's maturity and publication frequency. It aids in understanding the journal's scope, the diversity of content, and the extent to which it has been included in our statistical analysis. This information empowers readers to make informed decisions about the relevance of the journal to their research interests.

For Authors

Authors benefit from this table as it provides insights into the journal's publication history. It allows authors to gauge the journal's commitment to scholarly publishing and its suitability for their submissions. Authors can also assess the types of publications the journal accepts, aiding in the preparation of their manuscripts.

For Editors

Editors can utilize this table to showcase the journal's accomplishments and growth over time. It assists in communicating the journal's achievements to potential authors, reviewers, and readers, enhancing its reputation in the academic community.


In conclusion, the Journal Statistics Overview table offers valuable insights into the journal's key statistics and publication history. It serves as a reference point for readers, authors, and editors, enabling them to assess the journal's maturity, content diversity, and inclusion in our statistical analysis. This table enhances transparency and facilitates informed decisions within the scholarly publishing landscape.

It is a tool that supports academic engagement and promotes a deeper understanding of the journal's contributions to its respective field.

This table reinforces the journal's commitment to scholarly publishing and its dedication to serving the academic community.
