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Issues of InJEBA : International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting

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InJEBA : International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting


InJEBA : International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting; Almajalat aldawaliat lilaiqtisad wal'aemal walmuhasaba ​; International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting; InJEBA


Nasrullah Djamil


PT. Basecamp Economics PubMed







Article Processing Charges

Rp. 200.000,-

Submission Charges


Journal Start Date


Review Process

Double Blind Peer Review


Auditing; accounting; business; management; economics



Open Access




This page has been accessed 1481 times.


InJEBA : International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting as a scholarly platform dedicated to the exploration and dissemination of cutting-edge research in the domains of economics, business, and accounting. This journal strives to foster intellectual exchange among academics, researchers, and practitioners worldwide, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and practice in these interconnected fields.

Research in this area is often multidisciplinary and involves collaboration between academics, business practitioners, and government. The results of this research can make a significant contribution to the global understanding of how economic, business, and accounting factors are interrelated and how they influence the growth and development of various entities at the international level.

Aims and Scope

This journal focuses on International research in economics, business, and accounting covers a variety of topics related to aspects of global economics, business management, and accounting practices at the international level. This research area includes economic policy analysis, international business strategy, global financial issues, and developments and trends in international accounting.

Below are some examples of international research topics in this area:

The impact of globalization on the world economy:

Study of the impact of globalization on economic growth, international trade, and economic inequality.

Risk Management in the International Business Context:

Analyzing corporate strategies for managing risk in a changing global business environment.

International Business Innovation and Development:

Examine the factors that drive innovation at the international level and their impact on business success.

International Financial Reporting:

A study of international financial reporting standards (e.g., IFRS) and their impact on accounting practices in different countries.

Global Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

A study of global companies' efforts to achieve sustainability and corporate social responsibility on an international level.

Global Financial Market Dynamics:

Analysis of the behavior of equity markets, foreign exchange, and other financial instruments in global financial markets.

Digital Economy and Business Transformation:

Studying the impact of digital technology, e-commerce, and digital transformation on international business models.

Economic Uncertainty and Corporate Decision Making:

Research on how global economic uncertainty affects managerial decision making in international firms.

The Role of Regulation and Public Policy in International Business:

Analysis of the role of government regulations and policies in shaping the international business environment.

Multinational Corporate Finance:

Study of the financial management of companies operating in different countries, including aspects of risk management and financial policy.

Research in this area is often multidisciplinary and involves collaboration between academics, business practitioners, and government. The results of this research can make a significant contribution to the global understanding of how economic, business, and accounting factors are interrelated and how they influence the growth and development of various entities at the international level.

Contact Information

Nasrullah Djamil

Volume & IssueYearNo of Articles
Volume & IssueYearNo of Articles

Journal Statistics Overview

This table offers an insightful overview of the journal's statistics. It provides key information about the journal's age, the number of volumes and issues it has published, and the total count of publications. The table further distinguishes between publications that are included in our statistics and those that are yet to be incorporated. Moreover, it categorizes the types of publications, such as articles, book reviews, editorials, and other publications, offering a comprehensive summary of the journal's content. This table serves as a valuable reference to gain insights into the journal's publication history and the status of its publications in our statistical analysis.

Title Information
Journal Age 2 years (approximately 26 months, 813 days)
Volumes 2
Issues 2
Total Publications 19
Publications included in Statistics 0
Publications not yet included in Statistics 19
Articles Published 0
Book Reviews Published 0
Editorials Published 0
Other Publications 0
Title Information


This table offers numerous benefits to various stakeholders within the academic community:

For Readers

Readers can use this table to assess the journal's maturity and publication frequency. It aids in understanding the journal's scope, the diversity of content, and the extent to which it has been included in our statistical analysis. This information empowers readers to make informed decisions about the relevance of the journal to their research interests.

For Authors

Authors benefit from this table as it provides insights into the journal's publication history. It allows authors to gauge the journal's commitment to scholarly publishing and its suitability for their submissions. Authors can also assess the types of publications the journal accepts, aiding in the preparation of their manuscripts.

For Editors

Editors can utilize this table to showcase the journal's accomplishments and growth over time. It assists in communicating the journal's achievements to potential authors, reviewers, and readers, enhancing its reputation in the academic community.


In conclusion, the Journal Statistics Overview table offers valuable insights into the journal's key statistics and publication history. It serves as a reference point for readers, authors, and editors, enabling them to assess the journal's maturity, content diversity, and inclusion in our statistical analysis. This table enhances transparency and facilitates informed decisions within the scholarly publishing landscape.

It is a tool that supports academic engagement and promotes a deeper understanding of the journal's contributions to its respective field.

This table reinforces the journal's commitment to scholarly publishing and its dedication to serving the academic community.
