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Mohi ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies


Mohi ud Din Journal of Islamic Studies; محی الدین جرنل آف اسلامک اسٹڈیز; MJIS


Muhammad Ashfaq


Al-Sarakhsī Dār al-Tarjamah wa al-Ṭibā‘ah, Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif (AJK)







Article Processing Charges


Submission Charges


Journal Start Date


Review Process

Double Blind Peer Review


Islamic Studies


Urdu, Arabic and English

Open Access




This page has been accessed 59 times.


Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed research journal on diversified aspects of society from perspective of Islam as a complete code of life. It has been initiated by Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies, by Al-Sarakhsī Dār al-Tarjamah wa al-Ṭabā‘ah, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif (AJK) providing Islamic scholars a platform to address issues and problems of the society keeping view the changing circumstance of the world.
Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) fulfils the research requirements of Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan. It includes Qur’anic and Hadīth Sciences, Biography of Holy Prophet, thought and contribution of Islamic Sufi scholars, Islamic Theology, Islamic Jurisprudence, Comparative Religions, Islamic Civilization, Interfaith Harmony, Islamic Economics & Business Ethics, Contemporary Issues in Islamic and Western Thoughts, and other topics which cover contents of Islamic studies in trilingual; Urdu, English, and Arabic.
Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) aims to examine the contribution of the researches in the context of religion approaching its philosophy, sociology and psychology. The next ambition of the journal to present the significance of Islamic research that could adopt critical and analytical methods to meet international challenges in modern world.
Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) will be published twice a year (in June & December) while It also occasionally publishes special issues dedicated exclusively to a particular theme. Moreover, manuscripts, Books and literature recommended by Al-Sarakhsī Dār al-Tarjamah wa al-Ṭabā‘ah, will also be published after review process.
Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) adopts double blind peer review process which means that both reviewers’ and authors’ identities are concealed from each other. Research articles submitted for publication in the journal are first screened by the editorial board which may reject manuscripts without further review if they do not meet the minimum criteria of the journal. At the next stage the manuscripts are subjected to double blind peer review by at least two experts of the field.
Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) strictly follows the criteria/guidelines devised by HEC for publication process and review.
Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) adopts the decision of the Editorial Board regarding acceptance or rejection of the article that would be considered as final.
Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) Editorial Committee reserves the right to recommend necessary amendments with minor/major changes or cancellation of the articles. Editor shall inform the writers with the opinion of the evaluators to incorporate the necessary changes if any.
Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) declares that expression of the view-points of the respective author is his right. So, every article is the sole responsibility of the writer, whilst Editorial Committee has no responsibility in this regard.

Aims and Scope

The Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed research journal dedicated to exploring and addressing the multifaceted aspects of society through the lens of Islam. Initiated by Faculty of Arabic and Islamic Studies through Al-Sarakhsī Dār al-Tarjamah wa al-Ṭabā‘ah at Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif (AJK), MJIS aspires to provide Islamic scholars with a robust platform to examine and resolve societal issues and challenges in the context of Islam as a comprehensive code of life. This mandate outlines the journal's objectives, scope, thematic areas, and editorial policies, establishing a framework for its contributions to Islamic scholarship and societal development.
The Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) is committed to advancing Islamic scholarship by providing a dynamic and inclusive platform for interdisciplinary research. By addressing contemporary societal issues through the comprehensive framework of Islam, MJIS aims to contribute to the intellectual and practical development of Muslim societies worldwide. This mandate serves as a guiding document for the journal's editorial board, authors, and readers, ensuring a shared vision and coherent direction in the pursuit of knowledge and societal betterment.

Contact Information

Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University, AJK
Principal Contact
Prof Dr. Abdul Hameed Khan Abbasi
Mohi Ud Din Islamic University
Phone +923005218674

Support Contact
Dr. Muhammad Ashfaq
Phone +923005753567

Additional Information

Guideline for Authors and Publication Policy

Research papers published in this journal (MJIS) are generally of 4000-6,000 words (including foot-notes) and subject to initial editorial screening. In special cases total length of a manuscript may not be exceeded 12000 words. The submission file should be in Microsoft Word format as per sample including an English abstract of approximately 150-200 words along with five key words.

• Font Size and Style: Single Space, Gill Sans Nova Light, Segoe UI Light, Normal text-12, Headings-14, Sub-Headings-12 in Bold, Foot notes-10.
Submissions must be in accordance with prescribed format of Mohi-ud-Din Journal of Islamic Studies (MJIS) that follows the Chicago manual of style for references, footnotes and citations considering following link:
for more detail visit link of the paper:

In particular, please observe the following conventions for footnotes:
• Reference from the Qur’an:
Source of Urdu or English translation of the Qur’anic verses must also be cited – Al-Qur’an (3: 212).
• Reference from Classical Hadīth Compilations
Muḥammad b. Isma‘īl al-Bukharī, al-Jāmi‘ al-Sahīh, Kitāb al-Zaba’ih wa al-Sayd, Bāb Aklu Kull Dhī Nab min al-Sibā‘(Riyadh: Dar-us-Salam, 1417 H), Hadīth: 5530.
Article should contain the following parts
1. Abstract
It should contain summary regarding research. Abstract must be written in English language. (Approximately 150-200 words) including five key words.
2. Introduction
Introduction must include objective, methodology, distinctive characteristics of the research work and conclusion.
3. Discussion
In this part of the article, author would present his views and research in detail.
4. Conclusion
Conclusion should be presented in a logical sequence along with critical or analytical recommendations.
5. References
References in footnote should be made according to the above-mentioned guidelines
6. Bibliography
Bibliography should be compiled at end of the article in Chicago Manual Style 16. If the article is in other than English language, the Bibliography should be in Roman English with font style “Book Antiqua” by using transliteration table.
۞ Copyright Policy
It is a condition of publication in this journal that authors assign copyright or license publication rights of their articles to the Al-Sarakhsī Dār al-Tarjamah wa al-Tabā‘ah, Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University Nerian Sharif (AJK). This enables Center to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Furthermore, the authors are required to secure permission if they want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of another source. This applies to direct reproduction as well as “derivative reproduction” (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).

Journal Subjects
Id Volume & Issue Year No of Articles
Id Volume & Issue Year No of Articles

Journal Statistics Overview

This table offers an insightful overview of the journal's statistics. It provides key information about the journal's age, the number of volumes and issues it has published, and the total count of publications. The table further distinguishes between publications that are included in our statistics and those that are yet to be incorporated. Moreover, it categorizes the types of publications, such as articles, book reviews, editorials, and other publications, offering a comprehensive summary of the journal's content. This table serves as a valuable reference to gain insights into the journal's publication history and the status of its publications in our statistical analysis.

Title Information
Journal Age 1 years (approximately 20 months, 627 days)
Volumes 0
Issues 0
Total Publications 0
Publications included in Statistics
Publications not yet included in Statistics
Articles Published
Book Reviews Published
Editorials Published
Other Publications
Title Information


This table offers numerous benefits to various stakeholders within the academic community:

For Readers

Readers can use this table to assess the journal's maturity and publication frequency. It aids in understanding the journal's scope, the diversity of content, and the extent to which it has been included in our statistical analysis. This information empowers readers to make informed decisions about the relevance of the journal to their research interests.

For Authors

Authors benefit from this table as it provides insights into the journal's publication history. It allows authors to gauge the journal's commitment to scholarly publishing and its suitability for their submissions. Authors can also assess the types of publications the journal accepts, aiding in the preparation of their manuscripts.

For Editors

Editors can utilize this table to showcase the journal's accomplishments and growth over time. It assists in communicating the journal's achievements to potential authors, reviewers, and readers, enhancing its reputation in the academic community.


In conclusion, the Journal Statistics Overview table offers valuable insights into the journal's key statistics and publication history. It serves as a reference point for readers, authors, and editors, enabling them to assess the journal's maturity, content diversity, and inclusion in our statistical analysis. This table enhances transparency and facilitates informed decisions within the scholarly publishing landscape.

It is a tool that supports academic engagement and promotes a deeper understanding of the journal's contributions to its respective field.

This table reinforces the journal's commitment to scholarly publishing and its dedication to serving the academic community.
